this is multiple pictures of a river in different places and placed together in different messed up and a little bit different levels on a bigger piece of paper, this is what david hockneys work is based on, i personally do not like his work, but i like this image because it makes the river look different and harder to focus on, i like how there is a brown background because it is more like the image, and it has more brown in the image so it makes the brown background blend in more. i like how there is a different coloured sky in certain parts of the image, and how on the right hand side the river is more tougher and rougher then on the right side.
i personally do not like this image because he is not the best drawer, i do like how in each square there is a different colour, like a different season going on. i also used some of his art work and also some of his photography to show different styles of his work, and to show different things in his visual work.
this picture is personally creepy because i dislike old people, but i do like how he has used the same image and used some of the same cut outs and zoomed some of them so there is different sizes, and i like how he has captured every inch of the old women's face and got the same little bit of image but moved it only slightly so he gets every bit of the women.
i like how this image is almost the same car and looks nearly the same, but there is a slight shadow and a darkening effect on some of the picture,and i like how there not all in perfect alinement and there is a little bit of edged on the wheel of the car.
i really like this image because there is multiple images of the man and his legs in different positions so there are loads of different images of the same man in loads of different places, i really like the effect given from this image.
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